
Outstanding Foods Offers Free PigOut Chips For A Year

Jul 20 2018
Outstanding Foods Offers Free PigOut Chips For A Year

Calling all bacon-loving, vegan chip-eating friends! The Outstanding Foods Pre-Launch Contest is now open for submissions and there are seventy six chances to win.

One Grand Prize winner will get FREE PigOut chips for a whole year, while twenty five 2nd place winners will receive a whole case of PigOut (12-pack) chips in all four flavors (Original, Kansas City BBQ, Chipotle, and Cheddar). There will also be fifty 3rd place winners, each to get a 4-pack of PigOut chips including one bag of each flavor.

Contest ends on Aug 15, 2018 at 11:45 PM so sign up quick!  Visit the website to get all the details on entering. 

PigOut perks keep on coming too, just by entering you’ll get 25% off your first PigOut chips purchase after the contest closes.  Stay tuned for the official launch date and more info on where to buy this summer!